45th Infantry Division Thunderbird, Second World War

Travels with Col. Preston J.C. Murphy

179th Infantry Regiment , 45th Infantry Division, Second World War

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Thunderbird Veteran research

The following photos and memoir are used with the permission of Derris Murphy, the son of Preston JC Murphy, Regimental Commander of the 179th Infantry Regiment. Preston Murphy was a Battalion Commander in the 157th Regiment when the Division was activated for the war in 1940. At that time, he selected a radioman/messenger/jeep driver who was Private Louis Oberkramer. When Murphy was promoted to XO of the 179th Infantry Regiment, Louie stayed with him. Murphy was later promoted in France to 179th CO and full Colonel. Amazingly, "My Boy Louie" stayed in that position with Col. Murphy through 3 years of training and the entire war until May 1945. After Louie returned to the States, he wrote his memoirs entitled "World War II Travels with Col. Preston J.C. Murphy" and sent him a copy. The copy of the Memoir was discovered in a footlocker in the attic years later. An amazing story, coming from the eyes of a private who was travelling the front lines with one of the Division's top field commanders.
WWIIRA history department.

Click the thumbnail to read the full memoir of Corporal Louis B. Oberkramer

Louis B Oberkramer
Sicily & Italy Photos
S. France & Alsace Photos
Germany Photos
Veterans Now and Then
Veterans Now and Then,
157th Infantry Regiment

Gerald Hall Photos
(157th Infantry Regiment)

Veterans Now and Then,
179th Infantry Regiment

Veterans Now and Then,
Preston Murphy

Veterans Now and Then,
180th Infantry Regiment

Veterans Now and Then,
645th Tank Destroyers
Veterans Now and Then, Division Artillery
Gilbert Wailes
A Battery,
160th FA Bn.

Reenacting Photos

last revision